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Latest level design projects

Dishonored - The harbor
SketchUp - Fps

This map is part of a 3 maps team project. Intended as the last part of the adventure, with integration of "Blink" the main's Character special skill , designed for multiple types of player; stealth, aggressive, moderate, with different challenges, types of navigation and side quests!


This is only a prototype in 3d software.

Crate Factory
Udk - Fps

With this project, I intended to make a medium sized vertical map without dead end in order to create uninterrupted action packed gameplay in full 3D space. 


The map is designed for DeathMatch but is also playable in Team DeathMatch.


- Kismet integration (Conveyor Belt w/Movable cover)

- 20 players

- Asymmetrical

- 4 floors high


Corrupt City
Unity - Diablo-like

This map is part of a 5 maps team project. Since it wasn't used in the original game, I wanted to exploit verticality with tunnels, buildings and different obstacles. The map train the player with various challenge. 


Grey boxing design.


- 3 minutes walkthrough

- tease, teach, practice

- Verticality

- Outside-the-box navigation

That Room
Portal2 - Puzzle

On this map, I wanted to teach the player a specific navigation technic. The map has a growing difficulty while keeping its simple gameplay mechanics.


I designed the map to be fair to the player with the least rooms possible and maximum visibility. 



- Single room challenge

- Limited objects

- tease, teach, practice


Battlefield - The City
SketchUp - Fps

This map is part of a 3 maps team project. Designed for the mode "Rush" where one team attacks forward while the other defends various points. I wanted to offer different types of battlegrounds; vertical, flat and open, tight corner, etc. Designed for easy progression with landmarks and unique section.

This is only a prototype in 3d software.

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